Sustainability and ESG Management

Circular Globe (in cooperation with SQS)

Motivation and benefits

We live in a throwaway society that places a heavy burden on our environment and society. The current economic system is oriented towards possessions and constantly growing consumption and generates an enormous amount of waste. Gloomy prospects for the future, one might think. However, this does not have to be the case, because this is countered by the idea of the circular economy. It is based on the preservation of value, the use of renewable energy and the careful use of raw materials. A shift in thinking and a change in values is currently taking place in many people’s minds.

Consumers and companies have begun to make decisions with future generations in mind. Customers want sustainable business models, investors are looking for sustainable investment opportunities and the regulators are currently developing sustainable legislation (e.g. EU Taxonomy).

Existing business models must therefore be put to test, and adjustments will be the result. Innovative, future-oriented companies will focus on new values and business models and also use the digital transformation to integrate their partners along the entire value chain into their solution approaches.

The Circular Globe Label is a guideline and assessment model and serves as a compass to drive progress towards the circular economy: in planning, implementation and not least in visualization. The innovative Label is aimed at helping organizations to make and drive sustainable and circular decisions. The approach is completely new: For the first time, Circular Globe does not examine individual products for their circularity, but the entire system of a company. The model is used to assess the circular maturity of organizations and serves as a compass for further development at each stage of implementation.

The Circular Globe Label has been developed on the basis of the latest scientific findings and studies by recognized experts. Furthermore, it is oriented to the contents and focal points of the ISO 59000 series of standards on Circular Economy, which is currently being drafted.

Circular Globe is an European initiative of Quality Austria and SQS.


The Circular Globe Label combines individuals and organizations and serves as a compass to drive progress towards the circular economy. It visualizes how companies and consumers are making sustainable, circular decisions today for tomorrow – for the benefit of future generations, the environment and the economy.

10 facts, why Circular Globe makes the difference:

  • Increasing image and awareness (visualizing values to the outside world)
  • Increasing competitiveness
  • Promoting innovation and growth
  • Cost savings through more durable and innovative products
  • Reducing financial risks
  • Contributing to a more sustainable and resource-efficient future
  • Reducing environmental impact (e.g. carbon dioxide, increased material health and product safety, reduction of waste)
  • Securing the supply of raw materials
  • Promoting a higher quality of life
  • Thinking today about tomorrow’s generations
Target group

Circular Globe is aimed at all types and sizes of organizations, regardless of industry or corporate form.


Circular economy generally pursues a far-reaching approach. On the one hand, existing products should be kept in use as long as possible through repair, refurbishing, resale etc. On the other hand, circularity should already be considered in product design, so that the materials used can always be returned to the product cycle (or also to biological cycles) through recycling.

In order to obtain the Circular Globe Label, interested companies in Austria have to undergo a two-stage assessment by the experts of Quality Austria. Subsequently, the companies are issued the corresponding Label depending on the level of maturity and scope of the concept. The progress is reviewed in annual interim-assessments and after the expiry of the validity period of three years, a detailed re-assessment is carried out.

The modular structure and the multi-level nature of the Label guarantee an easy entry, even for smaller companies.

Other relevant standards

eccos²²®, ONR 192500, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, GRI guidelines, Cradle to Cradle certified®

Training tip

NEW in cooperation with SQS: Online course series Circular Globe Transformation Coach – Certification Course

Graduates of this training are able to develop concepts of circular economy in the organization. Circular Globe Transformation Coaches are able to assess the initial situation of the organization as well as to identify potential in their own organization and to derive feasible projects from it. They understand the assigned tasks for the implementation, know about the necessary project steps and know best practice examples in order to benchmark their approaches. The systematic approaches on which such change projects are based are well known to the graduates.

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