
Gesamtlehrgang Systemmanager*in Qualität QMGS

Dieser Lehrgang vermittelt die für die Qualifikation Systemmanager*in Qualität erforderlichen Kompetenzen schnell und in komprimierter Form.

Den Lehrstoff bilden die Inhalte der sechs Lehrgänge der Lehrgangsreihe Qualitätsmanagement QM

  • Integriertes Managementsystem - Anforderungen (IMS),
  • Qualitätsmanagementsysteme (QMS),
  • Integriertes Managementsystem - Methoden und Werkzeuge (IMSA),
  • Statistische Methoden zur Entscheidungsfindung (QME),
  • Integriertes Managementsystem - Organisationssentwicklung (IMSO) und
  • Qualitätsmanagementsysteme - Projektmanagement (QMSPR).

Der Lehrgang wird in drei Teilen durchgeführt, beinhaltet aber nicht die Prüfung Systemmanager*in Qualität (QMP).

Job profile

Job profile Quality Systems Manager

Quality Systems Managers have, in addition to Quality Management Representatives, the knowledge and qualification necessary to develop a quality management system towards sustainable business success of the organization, while taking into account the requirements of interested parties, market requirements and the organization’s context. They know about advanced management approaches, apply these approaches in their organization and support decision-making in this matter. By understanding models and systems, Quality Systems Managers are able to integrate the requirements of different Standards into the organizational management system. They can also fulfill the tasks of an audit program manager. By applying appropriate methods, incl. the application of statistics, Quality Systems Managers are able to analyze, evaluate and present quality-relevant data and provide the outcomes for decision-making. They identify customer interests and represent them within the company. They provide information on quality-related topics, give advice, train personnel at all levels on this matter, and support the implementation of a quality management system.

Learning in your own organization

Sie haben mehrere Mitarbeiter*innen zu schulen?

Alle öffentlichen qualityaustria Trainings können 1:1 als Inhousetraining gebucht werden. Hier ergeben sich Kostenvorteile durch den Wegfall von Reisespesen, externen Räumlichkeiten, Catering etc. Es können auch einzelne Lehrgangsmodule zusammengestellt werden. Somit wird ein qualityaustria Inhousetraining jederzeit speziell für Ihr Unternehmen durchgeführt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.qualityaustria.com/inhouse.

Struktur des Gesamtlehrgangs

Course Series

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The qualityaustria bonus system includes bonuses for system and product certification and is being updated every year. We are happy to provide you with more detailed information regarding your possible savings – please do not hesitate to contact us directly for a personal offer.

Our experts

Impartial. Competent. Trustworthy.


Ms. Dr. Anni Koubek

Executive Vice President Innovation, Business Development Quality

Network partner

Mr. Michael Lucyshyn

Network partner, Product Management Six Sigma and Statistics

Network partner

Mr. Johann Russegger, MBA

Network partner, Product Expert Trainings Integrated Management System, Quality

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