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Assignments to the National Qualification Framework for the NQR in Austria

Motivation and benefits

The National Qualification Framework (NQF) in Austria is an instrument for the classification of qualifications into eight levels.

The main objectives are to demonstrate education and education levels more clearly and to promote lifelong learning.

Each level is characterized by different descriptors. These descriptors are formulated in a general manner that refer to learning outcomes which are associated with a specific level. These outcomes are based on knowledge, skills and competencies. A qualification according to the NQF is assigned to the same qualification level of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF). This makes Austrian qualifications more comparable throughout Europe. The NQF-Act was adopted in 2016 and forms the legal framework on a national level.


A prerequisite for assigning a qualification to the NQF is a reference request. This request is sent by Quality Austria - Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbH to the NQF National Coordination Body (NCB). Subsequently the request is reviewed and decided upon by the NQF committees.

Our offer

In an initial meeting at no charge, we are pleased to present the possibilities within the framework to the NQF. We offer two different packages:

Basic package:

  • Evaluation of your reference request: This is an electronic form that needs to be completed and submitted with all enclosures (legal frameworks, curricula, binding description of qualifications etc.). In this request, applicants must provide precise information on the qualifications (especially on the learning outcomes) and the determination procedure. Additionally, the applicant needs to state the steps taken for quality assurance of the determination procedure. Furthermore, the referencing to one of the NQF qualification levels needs to be justified.
  • Feedback talk

Additional package:

  • Support during preparation of documentation for the NQF referencing: We support you in formulating your application or provide you with tips which parts of your application need further development in order to meet the criteria of the desired NQF reference levels.
Target group

All stakeholders in the education process can benefit from the classification:

Education and training institutions:

  • Classification to the NQF is accompanied by quality control of all education and training concepts. Thus new stimuli can be gained for further development.
  • Other education and training institutions can use the NQF classification as criterion for admissions and (partial) crediting of qualifications.
  •  Once the classification has been made the education or training is published in the NQF-Register ( All interested parties can find the most important details of the qualification in this register.


  • Comparability of different qualifications and degrees is simplified, since a qualification according to the NQF automatically corresponds to the same level of qualification of the EQF.
  • The NQF classification can help in personnel recruiting decisions as the qualification of employees is demonstrated adequately.
  • By classifying a qualification to the NQF, it becomes transparent which skills, knowledge and competencies graduates of education and training programmes have.
  • Contents of the NQF competence framework can be used for job descriptions and job profiles.

Graduates of education and training programmes:

  • It is an advantage for graduates to have a qualification classified to the NQF since the level of qualification is clearly described.
  • Through transparent presentation of the participant‘s qualifications, graduates are geographically mobile in the European education and job market and can better outline their qualifications.

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    Ms. Dr. Anni Koubek

    Executive Vice President Innovation, Business Development Quality

    +43 732 34 23 22